Area of zoo
Enclosure status
IUCN status
Least Concern
Scientific name
Litoria caerulea
Dry forest, woodland and grassland
We no longer have White's tree frogs at London Zoo - find out more about other frog species in the Secret Life of Reptiles and Amphibians habitat.
What do White's tree frogs look like?
Large, plump and green in colour, the White's tree frog can grow up to 11.5cm in length. This species also features a distinctive fatty ridge above their eyes. Their limbs are short and strong, with large adhesive discs at the end of the digits providing grip for climbing.
White's tree frog facts
- Their skin exudes a waxy coating that helps prevent evaporation.
- Tadpoles take around six weeks to develop before they metamorphose and become juvenile frogs.
What do White's tree frog eat?
Insects such as moths, cockroaches and locusts. They have also been known to eat spiders, small frogs and mammals.
Where do White's tree frog live?
White's tree frog are native to northern and eastern regions of Australia, as well as the lowlands of New Guinea.
White's tree frog threats
Pollution and habitat loss.
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